May 24, 2017
Doubt, true doubt (not the mere intellectual variety, but the deep questioning an agonized soul), is one of the most painful and most necessary aspects of the life of faith. All the great saints have been through it. From Augustine in his Confessions to St. John of the Cross’s Dark Night of the Soul, the church...
May 18, 2017
True faith doesn’t happen in an instant. At least it didn’t for Peter…or James or John (Jesus’s innermost circle)! Honest faith is a process that unfolds over a lifetime, and contains elements of wonder, doubt, confusion, awe, more confusion, agony, guilt, healing… This up-and-down, in-and-out journey is the...
May 5, 2017
Here we get a first, detailed look into Jesus’s ministry of healing and exorcism. (Luke has mentioned such activity in the past, but finally we get are given a description of an actual event.) In this episode, regular contributor Rev. Ian Farrell demonstrates that there is much more to Jesus’s “healings” than...
May 1, 2017
Why did Jesus provoke such rage in his religious contemporaries? And why do we still often bristle ourselves at his words? While we imagine that one who brings God’s word of salvation would be warmly welcomed – at least by us! Yet history and the human condition reveal that we often “can’t handle the truth” […]