Jan 29, 2018
"Love is the name of the game" is a phrase you hear frequently around here, and it's true.
But when love becomes a commandment, there is a temptation to turn love into duty, in which obedience to duty takes on a life of its own.
In this episode we examine the story of two sisters, Martha and Mary.
Martha obeys...
Jan 19, 2018
The parable of the Good Samaritan is often taught as a morality tale about the importance of compassion (with overtones implying that such acts of generosity are means by which one secures a place in the heavenly afterlife).
But Jesus's intent goes far deeper! In this episode we examine central command to love and the...
Jan 16, 2018
The 70 disciples who were sent to bear witness to the gospel and embody the ministry of Jesus now return with an astonishing report: it worked! To their amazement, God has given them the power and resources they were promised, such that "even the demons submit to us."
It is a lesson every disciple must learn time and...
Jan 10, 2018
As Canvas celebrates our 5th anniversary, we return to our very first sermon - an articulation of the mission, vision and core values we felt called to embody. It's an inside look at the first days of a new church plant, and why we have shaped our community in the manner we have.
Whether you are thinking of starting...
Jan 4, 2018
Finally, we come to the joy of Christmas!
For weeks we have been examining Israel's fall from her priestly office, and with it the fear that God's project of salvation might be forever lost. But the God of love will not be thwarted, and last we learn how God will fulfill the covenant of with Abraham - God will become...