Apr 21, 2022
The one commandment I disregard without a second thought is the
one about resting.
The irony, of course, is that I often ignore this divine call to
honor the sabbath in what feels like the work of the
Kingdom. And it has been more clear in the last two years than in
most of my lifetime that there is work to be done....
Apr 1, 2022
No, your eyes do not deceive you...the podcast is back! (It
never really left, but was definitely on leave of
absence for a while...very sorry about that - some of the details
are in the intro.)
Then it's on to part 18 of our series: Hope in the Time of
In this episode, we take a look at the...
Jul 29, 2021
Does the 21st century nation state of Peru play an essential
role in salvation history? Short answer: Of course not. God loves
Peruvians! But Peru the cultural/political body is not critical to
the plan redemption.
So why do many American Christians suspect that the US, as a nation
(or a cultural dimension of the...
Jul 19, 2021
How do I, as a white, well-educated, heterosexual, Protestant, cis male, who would never knowingly sanction racism of any sort, reflect on "systemic racism"?
For those of us who try hard to so very hard to be good people (defined in no small part by being not-racist!), the phrase can spark a reflexive defensiveness...
Jul 6, 2021
Hope is the belief that things can change for the better. And it is the question the gospel persistently sets before us: Are we naive in thinking that meaningful transformation is possible? And more naive still to believe that love is the means by which such transformation truly occurs?
These questions of hope, love and...